Need a computer?
We collect and refurbish used devices to circulate them back to the individuals and families in need across Ontario.
How it works
We collaborate with various partners to collect donations and host TechCollect Drive events across Ontario. Data from donated laptops, desktops, monitors, phones, tablets and gaming systems is erased. The devices are then refurbished by our team and distributed back to the community. Unusable items are responsibly recycled.
Eligible applicants receive free device* Computer Security training and are referred to the Rogers Connected for Success Program for affordable internet and other support programs.
The availability of devices is determined by the donations we receive.
For group orders email
Fill out the application below to apply for a free refurbished device with open source Ubuntu Operating System. We will follow up with what options are available and the next steps.
Due to increased demand, this process might take longer than usual. We rely on donations and support from the community.
We currently have refurbished Windows computers available for purchase at lower cost. These refurbished computers have the latest Windows 11 Pro operating system and a 6-month hardware warranty.
Computers can be delivered within 5 - 10 days across Canada once orders with payment have been placed.
Who is eligible
The criteria below are based on
Low-income cut off 2022 before tax amounts:
Net income threshold:
1 person family = 29,380
2 person family = 36,576
3 person family = 44,966
4 person family = 54,594
5 person family = 61,920
6 person family = 69,835
7 persons or more = 77,751
Acceptable forms of proof of income:
(most recent proof of financial assistance from)
Ontario Works (OW)
Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP)
Employment Insurance in the form of a benefit statement
Current OSAP statement of funding
Second Career agreement
Refugee Payment from Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRC)
Referral from a Community Agency, Hospital, or School.
Questions? Contact us at